For a normal healthy person himself long waiting hours at the bank counter, waiting long for getting a taxi or waiting long for getting food delivered after ordering can be irritating, so think about an unhealthy and sick person who is forced to wait long for getting treatment and care.
How tiring it will be? Patients visit hospitals to get immediate care and cure for their illness. Long waiting hours at the various counters is a routine view at any hospital/clinic counter which can be tiring for the patient as they all deserve treatment at the earliest.
It is the right of each patient to get seamless treatment and it is the duty of every organization to provide with seamless patient journey. But because of the ‘n’ number of repetitive tasks involved in the various back-office functions and the time and human energy invested in it the waiting time at various areas involved in the patient journey goes high.
Challenging area:
The challenges involved in the patient journey starts right from the point patient decide to take an appointment with your organization and continues:
- Booking appointment Time scheduling Registration Claims management Doctor consultation Supportive services.
- Billing and account settlements Reappointments.
Smaartt solutions:
Automating the back-office tasks can contribute so much towards reducing the long waiting hours and also helps in making the patient journey smooth and without seams. With the help of blue prism digital workforce and Smaartt digital solutions healthcare organizations can now automate their patient journey right from booking appointments to the end of journey-Billing and account settlements.
Our intelligent conversation platform-Chatbots can also contribute towards the seamless patient journey approach. By doing this not only the patient and employees but also the healthcare organizations get benefitted in terms of reducing its operating costs, redeployment of its employees for doing more value generating tasks and also indirectly attaining positive marketing and public relations approach.
Patient, Employee & Healthcare management benefits: