The mobile studio is a feature of Salesforce Marketing Cloud to boost mobile marketing with personalized SMS messaging, Push notification and char messaging. To date, Mobile Studio marketing is considered as the top-ranking marketing platform as most of the customers use mobile for e-commerce related queries.
Features of the Mobile Studio:
The following are the features of Mobile Studio Marketing
- Build and automate captivating mobile campaigns with custom templates for outbound, text-response, email opt-in campaigns, info capture, and Multimedia Messages (MMS).
- With the help of the chat message build complete user profiles by capturing preferences, behaviors, and attributes from the chat conversation.
- Encourage brand marketing with SMS alerts, deals, or discounts to drive in-app purchases.
- Drag-and-drop tools make it easy to segment mobile subscribers. Send your personalized message based on location, demographics, and individual customer preferences. Build user profiles based on location and device type to provide personalized recommendations.
- Deliver transactional, time-sensitive messages such as password resets, shipping reminders, sale alerts, and shopping updates by using an open API platform.
- Schedule marketing efforts to trigger messages as when and where they’ll get noticed based on predetermined events.
- Turn a broadcast or transactional message into a two-way conversation with your customers with the combined power of Marketing Cloud and Service Cloud.
- Create geo-fenced messages that automatically send coupons or promotions to your customers whenever they enter or exit a targeted area.
- Create contextual pages for mobile.
- Deliver closer proximity messages using Bluetooth low-energy beacon devices to draw attention to specific offers.
- Monitor campaign performance with mobile reports to understand Customer Engagement even on the go with the mobile app.
- Deliver mobile messages along with email, ads, and web campaigns to create a consistent Customer Journey across every channel and device.
- Trigger mobile messages instantly based on how users interact with your brand and boost engagement.
- Identify the channels customers use to engage with the brand so as to communicate better and drive more Mobile Engagement.
Challenges faced by marketers in Mobile Studio:
Though it is evident that Mobile Marketing is finding the top position in Marketing, there are few brands still hovering over the idea of going mobile. It is mainly because about one-third of the customers believe that web marketing gives the trust they want with the brand. Online theft has taken a toll on mobile marketing and customers still find difficulty in trusting the security promised by the brands running through mobile apps.
How effective is Mobile Studio for your brand/business?
- Mobile studio helps to build deep customer engagement thus building an understanding with the brand.
- Round the clock engagement with the customer helps to boost sales.
- Round the clock customer support helps better the brand image.
- A deep study of customer profiles helps giving relative recommendations for the customers.
- Keep customers updated on sale alerts on the go as and when required.
- Instead of reaching out to other channels like the website, customers can connect to the brand through the mobile app as per their needs.